Brain cell degenerators

Foods packaged in aluminum, foods with chemical additives, saturated and hydrogenated oils, statin medications, calcium supplements, painkillers (NSAIDs), fluoride, wheat, cow’s milk, MSG, artificial sweeteners, low-fat diets, pesticides, airplanes, cell phones, proton pump inhibitors, heavy metals in teeth fillings, unclean water, chemical hair dyes, tobacco, certain recreational and prescription medications, head injuries.

Brain Cell Generators

  • Exercise/movement
  • Stress Management
  • Sleep, rest and relaxation
  • Water, hydration
  • Optimistic Thinking/Positive Attitude
  • Loving touch
  • Aromatherapy
  • Music (listening to) especially Mozart
  • Light and Color Therapies
  • Learning a new language
  • Meditation including guided meditation such as Yoga Nidra, Concentration
  • Specific brain exercises incl. brain teasers, riddles, puzzles, sudoku, board and card games
  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • Nutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals (see below)
  • Herbs
  • Visualizations
  • Grounding practices/Walking barefoot
  • Dragon’s Den Anti-inflammatory Spice Mix
  • Qigong/Ta’i ji quan, Yoga asana practice, Dancing

The following is a list of natural medicines for brain longevity with general dosages.

These dosages may not be appropriate for all people. We all have different nutritional needs and constitutions. Please check with your doctor or healthcare provider before adding medications and/or nutritional supplements. Also, please research any food, drug, or supplement you are taking.

Nootropics enhance emotional and mental well-being, promote cerebral circulation, enhance memory, slow or prevent age-related cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s disease, reduce oxidative or ischemic damage to the brain, and improve mood.

Herbal Cerebral stimulants – Herbal Nootropics

Asian Ginseng – improves concentration, alertness and regulates blood sugar levels, helps balance hormones, and enhances brain function.

Siberian Ginseng, Chinese red or white Ginseng, or American Ginseng, alone or in combination. Siberian Ginseng, eleuthero, appears to work well for everyone.

Brahmi (Bacopa) – Brain tonic that promotes memory and mental alertness, increases intellectual and cognitive functioning, calms and relieves stress (nervine), relieves anxiety, used to control ADHD. Memory enhancement, promotes restful sleep, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and a cardio tonic.

Gotu kola – nervine, increases memory, relieves stress, anxiety and mental fatigue, reduces irritability

Ashwangandha – improves memory, enhances brain function

Gynostemma (Jiao gu lan) – nutrient-rich, calms the nerves

Rhodiola – improves nervous system function, enhances cognitive function, memory, mental productivity, and builds resistance to stress.

Schizandra – improves memory, sharpens concentration and alertness, enhances brain function

Rei Shi – nerve tonic, supports the heart and vascular system, opens awareness to higher frequencies

Cordyceps – nerve tonic, supports the central nervous system

Ginkgo Biloba – increases cerebral circulation, aids in poor memory, degenerative effects of Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia. 60 – 320 mg.

Lion’s Mane – boosts memory, creativity, and attention span. Lion’s Mane tea enhances concentration, is a powerful brain regenerative, encourages neuroplasticity, and releases nerve growth factor, supports the nervous system.

Lavender – nervine, relieves emotional stagnation, depression and constant repetitive thinking, relieves nervous exhaustion

Rosemary – strengthens the brain and memory, breaks stagnant depression

Yuan Zhi (Polygala tenuifolia) – calms the spirit, relieves anxiety, dementia, mental confusion

Nutraceutical Cerebral Stimulants – Supplemental Nootropics

Nutraceuticals -take daily, 6 days weekly. Give at least 4 – 6 weeks to notice results, although results may occur sooner.

Neuro Replete – NeuroReplete is a balanced nutrient formula that supports healthy normal serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine production in a proper ratio.  Serotonin is associated with mood, appetite, sleep, memory, learning, and temperature regulation. Dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine (the catecholamines) are associated with control of movement, balance, motivation, focus, addiction and the drive for reward. This formula contains L-tyrosine, 5 HTP-tryptophan, vitamin B6, lysine, vitamin C, folate, and calcium citrate.

Vinpocetine (Vinca minor) – enhances memory, and improves blood flow to the brain. Improves cerebral blood circulation, improves oxygen utilization, is an antioxidant for the brain, improves red blood cell plasticity, raises blood glucose levels in the brain and prevents blood platelet clumping. Improves concentration and memory, reduces age-related effects in the brain, reduces seizure activity and helps improve brain function after a stroke.

Huperzine, Chinese Club Moss,– inhibits acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down acetylcholine.

Grape seed extract (Vitas vinifera) – prevents age-related memory loss

Phosphatidyl Serine – 100 – 300 mg. Facilitates the storage, release and activity of several neurotransmitters, helps cellular intercommunication in the brain. Helps release dopamine, increases acetylcholine production, improves brain glucose metabolism, lowers excess cortisol levels, boosts nerve growth factor needed for healthy neurons. Improves memory, mood, learning and concentration.

Acetyl L-Carnitine – Has neuroprotective effects. Treats age-related dementia. Involved in the transportation of fats into the mitochondria. Improves learning, memory and counteracts depression. Improves immune function and receptor sensitivity for several neurotransmitters, benefits heart function, improves sperm count, and is an antioxidant. Has cell-protective properties and prevents excessive brain cell death. It helps in the formation of acetylcholine, and decreases glycation.

Phosphatidyl Choline (from Lecithin). Soy products, sunflower seeds, and eggs.

DMAE – 100 – 150 mg. daily

SAM-e – 200 mg. daily

DHA and EPA oils combined – 1,000 mg. daily

CoQ10 – 100 mg. 1-2x daily

Green Tea – 1-3 cups daily, matcha is best

Vitamins and Minerals (See if you can find a vitamin-mineral combined pill that contains close to the below doses)

  • Vitamin A – 10,000 – 25,000 units with 25,000 units of beta-carotene
  • Vitamin B12 – 1,200 – 2,000 mcg.
  • Vitamin B6 – 50 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 – 50 mg.
  • Vitamin B complex – high dose
  • Folic Acid – 1 – 5 mg.
  • Niacin (non-flush) – 100 – 200 mg.
  • Vitamin B5 – 100 mg.
  • Vitamin C – 1,000 mg. 3 X daily
  • Vitamin E – 400 – 800 I.U.’s
  • Magnesium – 400 – 800 mg. in divided doses
  • Selenium – 100 mcg.
  • Zinc – 30 mg.

In addition – Amino Acids – 1 serving of protein powder, High alkaline ‘green grass’ powder mix – 1 tbsp. 1-2x daily

Brain health is where the brain functions with the capacity for proper cognitive, sensory, motor, behavioral, emotional, and social interactions at the highest levels.

The Pillars of Brain Health:

  • Regular exercise improves blood flow, memory and stimulates proper chemical changes.
  • Foods rich in antioxidants prevent oxidation.
  • Sleep, meditation and managing stress to reduce a buildup of beta-amyloid plaque.
  • Mental exercises and staying mentally active promote new brain cells.
  • Having an active social life, connection with others, and having stimulating conversations.
  • Take key nutrients and natural tonics found in herbs and nutritional supplements.
  • Medications/Pharmacology

The Goal:

  1. Cure, prevent and slow cellular degeneration, assist cellular regeneration by increasing oxygen intake and releasing carbon dioxide, and bring sufficient blood and nutrients to the brain and body.
  2. Optimize and improve functions of the mind and body. Provide materials for rejuvenation and regeneration. Slow brain cell degenerative progression, cure existing conditions of brain cell and prevent brain cell degeneration.

The key to brain function are chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.

There are hundreds of neurotransmitters. The following are important for brain health and longevity.

GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) – a relaxing and calming nutrient especially for an overactive mind, aids in sleep.

DOPAMINE – Controls physical movement, improves mood, burns fat, increases sex drive, and promotes longevity of body and mind, energizer, and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete human growth hormone, Is important for the immune system.

EPINEPHRINE – Drives the “fight or flight” response. Motivates and stimulates.

NOREPINEPHRINE – Elevates mood, supplies energy, gives us vivid memories of events of life. Norepinephrine elevates mood, supplies energy and optimism, helps us to remember exciting and traumatic events.

ENDORPHINS – Stimulate interest, focus, and concentration. Released in response to any significant physical or emotional stress to relieve pain or anxiety.

ACETYLCHOLINE – improves memory, cognitive function, primary for concentration, thought and happiness. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses.

SEROTONIN – Improves mood, and controls sensitivity to pain. Serotonin is the ‘feel good’ neuro-transmitter, controls pain sensitivity and helps restful sleep.

MELATONIN – Keeps you in tune with the cycles of nature. Controls the circadian rhythms that are linked to sleep and waking, eating and drinking, sexual activity and fertility. influences the fetus in the womb for its growth and development, puberty, and when the body is preparing for later life, aging, and death. Chemically related to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Powerful antioxidant. An important neurotransmitter for the elevation of higher consciousness.

Brain Longevity Food Guidelines

  • Eat a balanced acid/alkaline food program. 80% alkaline food, 20% acid food.
  • Eat proteins at the beginning of the meal, and pay attention to proper food combinations.
  • Eat healthy fats.
  • Eat a food program according to your body type and the amount of energy required for daily output.
  • Eat for nutritional value.
  • Eat simple and locally grown organic foods.
  • Eat to maintain proper blood sugar levels.

The best brain fuel foods are slow-released fats and complex carbohydrates.

The primary building blocks for all body cells, from hair to muscles to enzymes and hormones, and the source of neurotransmitters, are proteins. A proper balance of amino acids determines the quality of a protein.

Essential fatty acids produce hormones called eicosanoids which are necessary for many of the chemical processes within the brain and body.

Heal the microbiome and if needed a leaky gut. The gut-brain axis is important for mental/emotional health and the proper working of the brain and its faculties.

Brain Foodsbelow are listed some food staples that nourish our brain and promote brain cell regeneration.

  • Turmeric – essential in cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease prevention. Best combined with Vitamin D3, reduces beta-amyloid proteins.
  • Ginger – has cancer-preventative properties, mitigates chemical toxicity, alleviates nausea, migraines, lowers inflammation, is an antioxidant and is anti-inflammatory.
  • Fresh Herbs and Spices – benefit the central nervous system, decelerate the aging process, reduce inflammation, protect against aches and pains, improve digestion
  • Rosemary – brain booster that enhances cognition, improves memory, and sensory awareness.
  • Coffee – high in antioxidants. 1 cup before noon may impair dementia and cognitive decline.
  • Green Tea – more beneficial than coffee. Reduces oxidative stress, feeds the microbiome and slows the aging process. The best is Matcha tea. Black tea to a smaller degree also.
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom – Lion’s Mane tea boosts memory, creativity, and attention span, enhances concentration, is a powerful brain regenerative, encourages neuroplasticity and releases nerve growth factor, supports the nervous system. The mushroom itself is delicious.
  • Walnut – Contains Omega-3 fatty acids essential for the brain, boosts cognition, high in antioxidants, may increase health span and enhances motor functioning in aging.
  • Ginkgo Biloba – improves memory and cognition, protects neurons from oxidation, improves microcirculation in the brain, reduces platelet aggregation, and encourages regeneration.
  • Cannabidiol – neuroprotective properties.
  • Coconut oil – easily digestible fat boosts brain metabolism and gives a quick improvement of cognitive functioning.
  • Coconut water – contains a wide range of essential biomolecules including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, growth factors and other nutrients.

These nutrients help produce melatonin, serotonin and GABA:

Magnesium, B vitamins B6, B12, B complex, vitamin D3, and zinc. Omega-3 oils, amino acids, L-tyrosine, tryptophan, taurine and theanine.

Foods to Eat: Primarily eat a diet of organic, local vegetables and some fruit; blueberries, leafy greens, dark chocolate, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fresh fermented soy products, seaweeds, fresh vegetable juices, non-animal-based protein, cold water fish, sufficient good fats primarily Omega 3 oils, spirulina, chlorella, and fermented foods. All mushrooms, especially shitake and Lion’ Mane mushrooms, broccoli and broccoli sprouts, Brussels sprouts, bee pollen, avocado, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, and pure water.

Eat nutritionally rich and high-water content foods, eat a proper caloric diet, balanced according to your body type/metabolism, the season of the year and your energy output. Best to eat the main meal around mid-day and not late in the evening.

Foods to Avoid: Wheat, gluten, excessive amounts of starchy carbohydrates, sugar, excessive coffee and alcohol intake, high fructose corn syrup and corn food products, white flour, cow’s milk, red meats, pork, fried foods, refined foods, processed foods, canned foods, junk foods, unclean and stale food, GMO foods, oils high in Omega 6 and 9, and fried oils.

Consider taking digestive enzymes with meals if you have any digestive difficulty.

Water – aim for a daily intake of 1/2 your body weight (pounds) in ounces.

Click the link for > Part II of this series

To control your blood sugar your food program is of paramount importance. The plan is to heal the adrenals, support the liver and strengthen the pancreas, resulting in a balanced blood sugar.

General Food Guidelines:

  • Eat high fiber, high water content and high nutrient dense plant foods. Vegetables, sprouts, and low glycemic fruit like berries, grapefruit, lemon and limes.
  • Eat high amounts of good oils, best to have little or no starches, moderate amount of protein.
  • Eat foods in an Acid (20%) and Alkaline (80%) balance.
  • Eat a high percentage of warmed or room temperature raw and live food.
  • Chew foods well, digestion begins in the mouth.
  • Have 12 -14 hours between your last meal and your breakfast meal.
  • Eat the right amount of food, only until 75% full.
  • Limit liquids when eating solid foods, sipping on warm water is okay.
  • Avoid eating food-like substances as in processed foods
  • Refrain from eating solid food at night, especially before sleep.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Stay hydrated; add a squeeze of lemon to warm water. For a moderate pick up, have green or mate tea.

Food Program

The majority of the recommended foods are vegetables and are high alkaline. An acid/alkaline balance in the body’s tissues is very important for optimal health, as well as for body structure and function.

A low to no starchy carbohydrate, very low glucose, medium protein, medium to high amount of specific oils and a vegan diet are the main components of the cleanse and rejuvenate process.

One specific food program doesn’t fit all, so find what works for you. We all have unique body types, lifestyles and health issues. Therefore, what may be adequate for one person might not necessary be suitable for another. Eat raw foods preferably at room temperature, slightly steamed vegetables, sprouts, soups, broths with raw vegetables added, low glycemic fruits, soaked nuts and seeds, raw nut and seed butters, seaweeds, select grains, beans and legumes, and recommended oils.

Mainly eat low starchy vegetables, seaweeds, avocado, sprouts, vegetable pesto’s, nut and seed milk yogurt, kefir and pates. Raw vegetable salads at room temperature, raw vegetables with/or in a soup broth, lightly steamed and in soups.

Vegetable Smoothie™️ (twice daily, this is a meal in itself.)

Click link for > Vegetable Smoothie How To Recipe

This vegetable smoothie drink is the foundation of the program as it contains fiber, nutrients and liquid. Drink at least one blended vegetable smoothie daily, two or three would be better.

Fresh vegetable smoothies made with chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables, ginger, turmeric and a half of a low glycemic green apple will promote cleansing, help alkalize the blood, carry out toxins and rejuvenate the body and mind.

Green Drink™️ (drink freely throughout the day.)

Click link for > Green Drink How To Recipe

Avoid and Eliminate these Foods

  • Check carefully food labels for additives. Corn, modified corn products, high fructose corn syrup, sugars, salt, saturated and hydrogenated fats and MSG are hidden in so many foods. Read the ingredients on the label, or even better, don’t even eat food like substances from oxes, cans, bottles, etc.
  • Stale foods, unwholesome and dead foods, foods containing chemical additives, preservatives and avoid all GMO foods.
  • Commercial, non-organic foods, foods that have been micro-waved, foods that are refined, per-packaged, enriched, canned, sulphurated foods, junk foods, foods with additives that you may not know or understand, irradiated foods and processed foods.
  • Sugar and sweets, all artificial sweeteners, NutraSweet, Aspartame, Splenda, high fructose corn syrup, etc.
  • Wheat, white flour and foods with these in them, such as muffins, pies, cakes, pastries, etc.
  • Gluten foods; wheat, rye, barley, spelt and kamut, seitan and white rice
  • Saturated and hydrogenated fats and oils and margarine, fried foods and foods with heated/cooked oils in them. Oils from animal products.
  • Cow dairy products and foods with cow dairy products in them.
  • Coffee, high caffeinated drinks, alcohol, bottled juices and carbonated drinks.
  • Table salt and condiments such as mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, commercial shoyu, MSG, chili sauce, etc.
  • Meats and shellfish
  • Peanuts and peanut products.

Supportive Supplements (dosage depends on the individual).

These products can all be purchased at the Dragon’s Den Herb Shop Maui, Hawaii.


  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons Orginal Superfood Blend
  1.  Run water over quinoa through a fine-mesh strainer and then place in a medium saucepan.
  2. Add all the other ingredients less Superfood Blend and bring to boil,
  3. Once boiling reduce heat and simmer 15 to 20 minutes or until tender and all liquid has been absorbed. Remove from heat and fluff with a fork. Sprinkle the Superfood Blend powder over the cooked grains and fluff again. Serve in individual bowls with warm almond milk poured over and 1 teaspoon ghee added. Other optional toppings include chopped nuts, berries, green apple, raisins, shredded coconut.

How to Lower Blood Pressure Through Food & Lifestyle

Mediterranean-style diet – traditionally, this diet includes plenty of fresh vegetables, therefore high fiber, moderate protein intake mostly fish (Omega-3 rich), some grains, olives and olive oil, and fruits are eaten seasonally.

Best Foods to Maintain or Lower Blood Pressure:

  • High fiber foods: Unprocessed foods high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits and seeds should be the basis of any healthy diet. Eat foods high in healthy fiber help stabilize your blood pressure
  • Low sodium foods: Excess salt consumption raises blood pressure. Limit your consumption to no more than 1,500–2,000 mg daily.
  • High potassium foods: Potassium counteracts the effects of sodium and helps lower blood pressure. Include foods like melons, coconut water, avocados and bananas.
  • Omega-3 rich foods: Omega-rich foods flax seed oil wild caught salmon, chia and flax seeds reduce inflammation.

Specific Foods that Reduce Blood Pressure:

  1. Dark chocolate – Dark chocolate contains at least 200 milligrams of cocoa phenols, which can reduce blood pressure. At least 70% cacao.
  2. Garlic – Garlic and garlic supplements can help lower blood pressure and relax smooth muscles. Garlic helps to thin the blood, prevent the blockage in blood vessels, and therefore lower blood pressure.
  3. Spinach – Spinach is rich in magnesium and folate, which can help prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
  4. Sunflower Seeds – Rich in potassium, magnesium and healthy plant fats. Sunflower seeds can help reduce cholesterol levels, open up blood vessels and promote healthy blood pressure.
  5. Bananas – Bananas are rich in potassium and fiber.
  6. Tomatoes – Cooked tomatoes are loaded with calcium, potassium, vitamins A, C, and E and lycopene. Compounds in tomatoes can lower cholesterol buildup in blood vessels and combat the development of hypertension in a variety of ways. Lycopene in tomato’s is activated by heat, add cooked tomatoes to your food program.
  7. Broccoli – Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables have been found to have beneficial health effects. They have high amounts of potassium and chromium that help regulate blood sugar levels and weight, both related to high blood pressure.
  8. Melon – Eat melons that are rich in potassium, such as cantaloupe and watermelon which are especially rich sources.
  9. Beets – Rich in Nitric Oxide, generates the endothelial derived relaxing factor, which relaxes blood vessels, and iron producing nutrients.

Supplements that Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

  • Garlic
  • Vitamin C
  • Nitric Oxide
  • Omega-3 supplement
  • Chinese Herbal Formula – Jiang Ya Ping Pian
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2
  • CoQ10
  • Cranberry and Pomegranate juices
  • L-Arginine
  • Potassium
  • Hawthorn berries
  • Magnesium
  • Chinese herbal Dan Shen Yin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Dr. Christopher’s Blood Circulation Herbal Formula
  • Chinese Herbal Formula – Hypertension Repressing Tablets

Foods to Avoid to Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

  • High sodium foods: Sodium raises blood pressure; avoid high sodium processed foods, pickles, olives or canned foods.
  • Trans fats and Omega-6 fats: These fats increase inflammation and blood pressure and are found in packaged foods and conventional meats.
  • Sugar: High sugar consumption is connected to high blood pressure.
  • Caffeine: Too much caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure.
  • Alcohol: Narrows arteries and can increase blood pressure.

Lifestyle Tips to Lower Blood Pressure

  • Regular exercise and diet play a large role, reduce stress, better sleep, more free-time and fun, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, journaling or art therapy, surround yourself with encouraging friends and exercising on a daily basis.

Blood Pressure – What it is and What to look out for

Blood pressure is a combination of systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure represents blood force, or pressure, while the heart is beating and diastolic pressure stands for blood pressure when the heart is at rest.

Systolic pressure is the top measurement in a blood pressure reading. In a reading of 130/80, 130 represents systolic pressure and 80 represents diastolic pressure. In pre-hypertension, systolic numbers range from 120–129 and diastolic numbers are less than 80.

Blood pressure ranges include:

Normal: Less than 120/80 mm Hg
Pre-hypertension: Systolic between 120–129 and diastolic less than 80

Stage 1 high blood pressure: Systolic between 130–139 or diastolic between 80–89
Stage 2 high blood pressure: Systolic at least 140 or diastolic at least 90 mm Hg

High blood pressure happens when the pressure on the arteries and blood vessels becomes too high and the arterial wall becomes distorted causing extra stress on the heart. Long term-high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes.

Results of high blood pressure include:

  • Arterial damage
  • Aneurysm
  • Heart failure
  • Blocked or ruptured blood vessels
  • Reduced kidney function
  • Vision loss
  • Loss of cognitive function: concentration, memory and ability to learn
  • Metabolic syndrome: a cluster of metabolic disorders such as high cholesterol and insulin, atherosclerosis and increased waist size

There can be no symptoms as blood pressure increases, but warning signs for very high blood pressure can include chest pains, confusion, headaches, ear noise or buzzing, irregular heartbeat, nosebleeds, tiredness or vision changes.

Causes of high blood pressure include:

  • High-salt diet
  • Poor nutritional dietary intake
  • Emotional stress
  • Obesity
  • Birth control pills
  • Lack of exercise
  • Alcohol
  • Heavy-metal poisoning
  • Caffeine
  • Smoking

How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure

  • Don’t exercise, eat, drink caffeinated beverages or smoke within 30 minutes of measuring your blood pressure.
  • Sit still with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Follow your monitor’s instructions or ask your doctor how to use it correctly.
  • Make sure you check your blood pressure at the same time each day.
  • Check your blood pressure two or three times each time you sit down to measure it. Wait one minute in between each reading. Be sure to track your measurements, either writing them down in a journal or using an online tracker.

Simple Vegetable Smoothie™, 1 large or 2 smaller servings


  • 3 medium-large kale leaves, strip off the ribs
  • 1 cup loosely packed spinach leaves
  • ¼ cup fresh parsley
  • ¼ cup cilantro
  • ¼ large cucumber
  • ½ apple

Directions: Add the fresh organic ingredients to a high-speed blender like VitaMix, add 2 pints of the prepared Green Drink™ (from yesterday) and blend on high until thoroughly blended.

Deluxe Vegetable Smoothie™, 2 servings

In addition to the above ingredients add:

  • 1 cup microgreens some or all broccoli, radish, clover, flax, sunflower, buckwheat
  • 1 cup loosely packed sprout mix
  • ¼ cup loosely packed moringa leaves or 1 tsp powder (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons dandelion greens
  • 1/3 cup chopped green cabbage
  • 1-1/2 inch piece chopped burdock root
  • 1-inch piece chopped ginger root, no need to peel
  • 1-1/2 inch piece chopped turmeric root, no need to peel
  • 3 inch piece fresh aloe vera, inner fillet, avoid the sap (strong laxative)
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons beet crystals

Directions: Add the fresh organic ingredients from both recipes to a high-speed blender like VitaMix, add 2 pints of prepared Green Drink™ and an additional 1 pint of water. Blend on high to until thoroughly blended. Pour into 2 quart-sized jars and refrigerate 1 for later.

Simple Green Drink™, yields 1 quart


  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon or lime juice
  • 1-2 tablespoon maple syrup, Manuka or Lehua honey (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons liquid Chlorophyll
  • Liquid Vitamin B complex – bottle dosage
  • Liquid Magnesium – 1,200 mg.
  • Liquid Cell Food – bottle dosage 8 drops
  • 1 tablespoon Green Drink™ powder mix


  1. Into a quart-sized glass jar add ingredients and fill with filtered water. Shake to combine thoroughly. Drink freely throughout the day.

Note: Dr. Cotter recommends saving ½ of this finished drink to use as a base for your Vegetable Smoothie™ the following day.

Watch Video > “How To Make Green Drink™

Deluxe Green Drink™, yields 1 quart


In addition to the ingredients of the Simply Green Drink™ above add:

  • Liquid Vitamin D3 – 5,000 i.u.’s
  • 8 drops Vitamin E
  • ¼ teaspoon Liquid Vitamin B-12
  • Liquid Kelp – bottle dosage
  • 10 drops Grape Fruit Seed Extract
  • 10 drops liquid Silica
  • 1 tablespoon Green Drink™ powder mix


  1. Into a quart-sized glass jar add the above ingredients in addition to the Simple Green Drink™ and fill with filtered water. Shake to combine thoroughly. Drink freely throughout the day.

Note: Whether you do the Simple or Deluxe version, Dr. Cotter recommends saving ½ of the finished drink to use as a base for your Salad Smoothie™ the following day.

Watch Video > “How To Make Green Drink™


  • 1 cup coconut milk or raw kefir
  • 1/2 cup filtered water
  • 1 cup raspberries or berries of choice, fresh or frozen
  • 1/4 avocado, peeled and seed removed, or 1/2 cup banana
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil or coconut mana
  • 1 tablespoon ginger root, peeled and chopped
  • 2 teaspoons Original Superfood Blend
  • Optional add-ins: 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, cinnamon powder or fresh mint

Place liquids, berries, avocado, flaxseed or coconut mana, ginger, and Superfood Blend in a blender, preferably Vitamix. Blend on high until smooth consistency.


Combine the mylk, papaya, tahini, and powders and vanilla in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a large glass.