Diabetes – Foods that help lower and control blood sugar

To control your blood sugar your food program is of paramount importance. The plan is to heal the adrenals, support the liver and strengthen the pancreas, resulting in a balanced blood sugar.

General Food Guidelines:

  • Eat high fiber, high water content and high nutrient dense plant foods. Vegetables, sprouts, and low glycemic fruit like berries, grapefruit, lemon and limes.
  • Eat high amounts of good oils, best to have little or no starches, moderate amount of protein.
  • Eat foods in an Acid (20%) and Alkaline (80%) balance.
  • Eat a high percentage of warmed or room temperature raw and live food.
  • Chew foods well, digestion begins in the mouth.
  • Have 12 -14 hours between your last meal and your breakfast meal.
  • Eat the right amount of food, only until 75% full.
  • Limit liquids when eating solid foods, sipping on warm water is okay.
  • Avoid eating food-like substances as in processed foods
  • Refrain from eating solid food at night, especially before sleep.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Stay hydrated; add a squeeze of lemon to warm water. For a moderate pick up, have green or mate tea.

Food Program

The majority of the recommended foods are vegetables and are high alkaline. An acid/alkaline balance in the body’s tissues is very important for optimal health, as well as for body structure and function.

A low to no starchy carbohydrate, very low glucose, medium protein, medium to high amount of specific oils and a vegan diet are the main components of the cleanse and rejuvenate process.

One specific food program doesn’t fit all, so find what works for you. We all have unique body types, lifestyles and health issues. Therefore, what may be adequate for one person might not necessary be suitable for another. Eat raw foods preferably at room temperature, slightly steamed vegetables, sprouts, soups, broths with raw vegetables added, low glycemic fruits, soaked nuts and seeds, raw nut and seed butters, seaweeds, select grains, beans and legumes, and recommended oils.

Mainly eat low starchy vegetables, seaweeds, avocado, sprouts, vegetable pesto’s, nut and seed milk yogurt, kefir and pates. Raw vegetable salads at room temperature, raw vegetables with/or in a soup broth, lightly steamed and in soups.

Vegetable Smoothie™️ (twice daily, this is a meal in itself.)

Click link for > Vegetable Smoothie How To Recipe

This vegetable smoothie drink is the foundation of the program as it contains fiber, nutrients and liquid. Drink at least one blended vegetable smoothie daily, two or three would be better.

Fresh vegetable smoothies made with chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables, ginger, turmeric and a half of a low glycemic green apple will promote cleansing, help alkalize the blood, carry out toxins and rejuvenate the body and mind.

Green Drink™️ (drink freely throughout the day.)

Click link for > Green Drink How To Recipe

Avoid and Eliminate these Foods

  • Check carefully food labels for additives. Corn, modified corn products, high fructose corn syrup, sugars, salt, saturated and hydrogenated fats and MSG are hidden in so many foods. Read the ingredients on the label, or even better, don’t even eat food like substances from oxes, cans, bottles, etc.
  • Stale foods, unwholesome and dead foods, foods containing chemical additives, preservatives and avoid all GMO foods.
  • Commercial, non-organic foods, foods that have been micro-waved, foods that are refined, per-packaged, enriched, canned, sulphurated foods, junk foods, foods with additives that you may not know or understand, irradiated foods and processed foods.
  • Sugar and sweets, all artificial sweeteners, NutraSweet, Aspartame, Splenda, high fructose corn syrup, etc.
  • Wheat, white flour and foods with these in them, such as muffins, pies, cakes, pastries, etc.
  • Gluten foods; wheat, rye, barley, spelt and kamut, seitan and white rice
  • Saturated and hydrogenated fats and oils and margarine, fried foods and foods with heated/cooked oils in them. Oils from animal products.
  • Cow dairy products and foods with cow dairy products in them.
  • Coffee, high caffeinated drinks, alcohol, bottled juices and carbonated drinks.
  • Table salt and condiments such as mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, commercial shoyu, MSG, chili sauce, etc.
  • Meats and shellfish
  • Peanuts and peanut products.

Supportive Supplements (dosage depends on the individual).

These products can all be purchased at the Dragon’s Den Herb Shop Maui, Hawaii.